POLSKI krok po kroku
A modern series of textbooks for adults to work with a teacher and, thanks to integration with the e-polish.eu e-learning platform, for self-study.
Immerse in the Polish language and encourage speaking from the frst lesson
Make it possible to quickly break the communication barrier
Ideal for group and individual classes
Intuitively explain the intricacies of Polish grammar
The ʹPOLSKI krok po krokuʹ series immerses students in the Polish language and mobilises them to speak from the very beginning. Its advantages are clear grammar tables, intuitive explanations of grammar problems in dialogues, a wealth of vocabulary as well as good quality and the natural sound of recordings. The attractive layout was designed not so much for decoration, but rather to create new opportunities to speak.
The series works perfectly both in groups and during individual classes. It can successfully be used for intensive courses in language schools as well as at semester courses taught at universities.

An engrossing, fictional storyline additionally mobilises learning Polish
It is a story of fve people who came to Cracow for a Polish language course. They learn intensively while having exceptional holidays. They get to know the city, go on a sightseeing tour around Poland, take care of various daily matters, cook, fall in love…

Communication is the overriding, consistently pursued objective of the book
Grammar problems are interwoven into the communication context. Automating exercises often have the form of dialogues, whereas the dialogues and texts themselves sound very natural.
As the first e-coursebooks on the market, they provide students and teachers with a wide range of opportunities
Students can use the textbook for self-study as translations of instructions, a key to exercises, grammar comments and a multimedia dictionary have been made available online. The teacher will find a number of supplementary materials in the online version: texts, exercises, recordings, communication games, tests, comments and grammar tables as well as a thematic summary of vocabulary.