GLOSSA Publishing
We have been specialising in teaching Polish language for over 25 years. Our series are undisputed bestsellers around the world.
As the GLOSSA Polish Language School and Publishing House, we teach people from different countries, of different ages and at different levels of proficiency. The experience gained in this way serves as a foundation for the development of modern textbooks and diverse teaching materials. We are happy that they help our students break the language barrier quickly and, most importantly, start to speak Polish. We hope that the ʹPOLSKI krok po krokuʹ series will also prove useful in your work, i.e. facilitate effective teaching and make Polish les- sons a pleasure for everyone and turn the learning of the language into a fascinating adventure.
Iwona Stempek
Director of the GLOSSA Publishing House

POLSKI krok po kroku
A modern series of textbooks for adults to work with a teacher and, thanks to integration with the e-learning platform, for self-study.
POLSKI krok po kroku – junior
A modern series of textbooks for children and young people aged 10-15. Perfect both for work with a teacher and, thanks to integration with the e-learning platform, for self-study.
CZYTAJ krok po kroku
Simple, humorous short stories for all those who want to perfect their Polish language and complement their vocabulary range.
POLSKI w obrazkach
These sets of teaching boards are perfect teaching aids. They contain basic words and phrases which are essential at the initial stage of learning.