Tablice gramatyczne

66,90 zł

A set of 34 boards presenting in a vivid and easy to remember way key problems related to Polish grammar. Clear grammar summaries with comments will make it easier for students to master cases, conjugation, tenses, aspect, motion verbs, static and dynamic prepositions, numerals and comparison of adjectives and adverbs. Practical tables with plenty of examples can be useful during the course for both teachers and students.

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A set of 34 boards presenting in a vivid and easy to remember way key problems related to Polish grammar. Clear grammar summaries with comments will make it easier for students to master cases, conjugation, tenses, aspect, motion verbs, static and dynamic prepositions, numerals and comparison of adjectives and adverbs. Practical tables with plenty of examples can be useful during the course for both teachers and students.
Exercises (available on the platform) chosen for each of the presented topics supplement the publication. They allow both learners and teachers of Polish to check their knowledge and get some practice regarding individual grammar issues.

Vivid presentation of key problems of the Polish grammar.

Sample content

Included in the price (after activation of the code from the book on


  • 6-months of teacher’s subscription


  • unlimited access to grammar boards and supplementary exercises (to each of the presented topics)
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Tablice gramatyczne
66,90 zł
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