Podręcznik nauczyciela 1

99,90 zł

The teacher’s handbook to the publication POLSKI krok po kroku 1 has been developed specifically for foreign language teachers who want to teach in an effective and creative way that engages the students. It is not only an extensive methodological guide but also a source of inspiration and ready-made ideas.

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The teacher’s book to the publication POLSKI krok po kroku 1 has been developed specifically for foreign language teachers who want to teach in an effective and creative way that engages the students. It is not only an extensive methodological guide but also a source of inspiration and ready-made ideas.

The teacher’s handbook includes:

  • methodological commentary to all the dialogues and exercises
  • over 70 completely new communication games for facilitation of students’ speaking skills as well as for automation of grammar and vocabulary
  • over 150 descriptions of additional activities activating the students
  • sets of written assignments for each lesson
  • links to useful exercises from the e-polish.eu portal
  • 9 phonetic workshops
  • 5 evaluation tests
  • transcripts of recordings and an answer key

A comprehensive compendium of knowledge on how to effectively and attractively teach Polish

The teacher’s book contains nearly 90 minutes of audio recordings for tests and phonetic workshops (downloadable on e-polish.eu).

Sample content

Included in the price (after activation of the code from the book on e-polish.eu)


  • access audio recordings for tests and phonetics workshops
  • annual teacher’s subscription
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Podręcznik nauczyciela 1
99,90 zł
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