
Are you looking for materials to teach Polish as a foreign language? You have come to the right place!
Our coursebooks are the fruit of years of experience of GLOSSA Polish Language School teachers. We have created a cult series – “POLSKI krok po kroku”, which has helped thousands of people start speaking Polish. We know very well that learning Polish can be a challenge at every stage – both for students and teachers, so we are constantly creating new materials to use in lessons. We offer course books for adults – “POLSKI krok po kroku” – and children and young people – “POLSKI krok po kroku – junior”. Our series are enriched with comprehensive methodological guides in the form of teacher’s workbooks and “Gry i Zabawy językowe”, which will add variety to every lesson – even those dealing with the most difficult issues. Thanks to our series “Czytaj krok po kroku”, students as early as A1 level can immerse themselves in engaging stories, in “Tablice Gramatyczne” we sort out grammatical complexities, and with the book “Fonetyka- polski w praktyce”, learning pronunciation becomes great fun. But that’s not all! We invite you to explore our full offer to join the thousands of students and teachers who have found out how fascinating a journey through the world of learning Polish can be with the materials from our publishing house.

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